Page 446 - Promo Katalog #1
P. 446
Certifications/Labels/Textile Associations/Initiatives of
PRODUCT-RELATED LABELS AND CERTIFICATIONS The FLA is controlling the implementation of the code of conduct on a yearly basis.
Moreover, the companies are supported by guidance and benchmarking is used for further
improvements. It is expected that the companies are taking steps to improve, as long as
EN ISO 20471:
standards are not fulfilled. The successful verification is valid for 2-3 years.
Warning protection standard to certificate clothing, worn at work in
situations at high risk to be overlooked. The articles are divided into three
different categories, according to the permitted driving speeds (category
1: (≤ 30km/h (Klasse 1), 31-60km/h (Klasse 2), > 60km/h (Klasse
3)), as well as according to the amount of used fluorescent background
material and reflective material, which are necessary for 360° visibility
day and night. The classification can also be achieved by combining different articles, e.g. Fair Wear Foundation:
combining a jacket and a trouser. The overall surface of logos needs to be subtracted from
the visible surface. Therefore it is necessary to check out before finishing, that the articles Fair Wear Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation that
works with companies and factories to improve labour conditions for
reach the given minimum standards in order to keep the obligated high visibility zones big
garment workers. The base of the collaboration between FWF and
The clothes are marked with the pictogram, where instead of the “x”, the applying category a member is the Code of Labour Practices. It includes the following
8 statements: employment is freely chosen, no discrimination in employment, no child
is filled in.
labour, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, payment of a living
wage, no excessive working hours, safe and healthy working conditions, legally binding
employment relationships. These standards are based on the ILO core labour standards and
FAIRTRADE certified cotton:
the UN Declaration of Human Rights. The use of the label on clothes is only allowed, if the
company is integrating at least 90% of the production volume in the Monitoring System
You can find this label on your clothes. FLO-CERT GmbH is certificating
this quality seal which is dealing with the production of cotton. Manufactu- and as a consequence is reaching the score of 75+ in the benchmarking brand performance
check. FWF examines and rates its members and subsequently reports the results officially.
rers have to pay at least a cost covering price to their farmers as well as an
If necessary, the companies have to improve their standards and document the process.
additional bonus for infrastructure, education and social affairs. The decision
for the use of this extra money is taken collectively by the farmers. This
additional bonus is often used to change production to organic farming. If desired, buyers
have to pay a part of the harvest in advance and both sides have to focus on stable and
long term trade relationships. The certification authority is controlling the farmers that
SA 8000:
have to join together in cooperations to make decisions about the bonus they receive. They
have to keep the agreed social (improvement of working conditions according to the ILO
SAI was founded in 1989 and has established criteria, which all certifica-
guidelines), economical (flow of goods and money) and environmental (environment and
climate protection) conditions. ted SAI companies have to fulfil to receive the certification. This criteria
list is based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, conventions of the
ILO, UN and national law, and spans industry and corporate codes to
create a common language to measure social performance. All decisions
must be taken by companies, governments, trade unions and NGOs to-
gether. Each production facility needs its own certification, which lasts for
Oeko-Tex Standard 100:
3 years. This certification is valid across all industrial sectors regardless of the size or other
critical factors. The list is including the following topics: child labour, forced or compulsory
The use of that product seal in clothes ensures the testing in all
steps of production on substances prohibited, or regulated by law, labour, health and safety, freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, discri-
mination, disciplinary practices, working hours, remuneration and management system.
health concerning substances and also ensures health parameters.
All components of the final product (sewing cotton, buttons, etc.)
have to comply with the basic limit values. Depending on the extent of skin contact, the
products are divided into four classes. The most stringent requirements are for toddlers and
babies. The certification must be renewed once a year.
Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX):
Sedex is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving
improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global
Organic Content Standard 100 (OCS 100):
supply chains. Its core product is an online database, which allows
members to store, share and report information on four key areas: labour
The organic content standard certification, which is directly fixed on clo-
thing, is awarded by the charitable organisation named Textil Exchange. This standards, health and safety, environment and business ethics. On the platform you can
find information about ethical and responsible practices based on the following codices:
certification is replacing the OE 100 Standard. Depending on the amount
ILO convention, ETI Basis Codex, SA8000, ISO 14001 and further specific sectoral codes of
of biological material, different logos are used (OCS 100: 95-100% kbA/
kbt fibres; OCS Blended: 5-94% kbA/kbt fibres). Through this verification, conduct. On the provided platform suppliers can enter their ethical information and choose
to share it with multiple customers on Sedex. For purchasers Sedex offers an electronic sys-
contamination should be avoided and the use of organic natural fibers is
clearly documented. All companies along the supply chain have to follow tem for collecting and analyzing information on ethical and responsible business practices
in their supply chain. A variety of reporting tools are enabling buyers to keep track of their
this standard.
suppliers’ performance and they also have access to an advanced risk assessment tool. Any
company can be part of this organization, but all registered members have to make sure to
provide correct and honest information. However, the stated data is not audited by Sedex.
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP):
amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI):
WRAP was founded in 2000 by an US garment trading organisation.
Companies of all sectors and regions can use their code of conduct WRAP is an independent, objective, non-profit team of global social
and implementation system. However, there is no identification on the goods. The Code of compliance experts dedicated to promoting safe, lawful, humane and
Conduct covers the following 11 topics: freedom of assembly and collective bargaining, fair ethical manufacturing around the world through certification and
wages, health and safety, protection of young employees, forced labour, ethical conduct, education. Only specific production sites can be certificated, no brands or companies.
discrimination, working time, no critical employment, environmental protection and child Therefore the label is not directly fixed on the clothes. WRAP is adherent to the following
labour. It is based on the ILO conventions and declarations, UN guidelines and OECD 12 principles: compliance with local laws, prohibition of forced labour, prohibition of child
guidelines. Companies commit to the BSCI by signing the Code of Conduct. The auditing labour, prohibition of harassment or abuse, compensation and benefits, hours of work, pro-
procedures take place every 3 years and are proven by an external testing company. hibition of discrimination, health and safety, freedom of association, environment, customs
compliance and security. Depending on the fulfilment of the principles the factories are
rated with gold, silver or platin certifications. WRAP audits are primarily carried out by ac-
credited monitoring partners. They are analysing the self-evaluation, created by the audited
factories. Based on that report WRAP, is deciding if the factory can be certificated. Additio-
Fair Labor Association (FLA): nally, all certified facilities, regardless of certification level, are also subject to randomized,
unannounced post-certification audits, which can occur at any time.
The Fair Labor Association which was founded in 1999 believes that
all goods should be produced fairly and ethically. FLA brings together
universities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and companies to find
sustainable solutions to systemic labor issues. All companies, that are part of the FLA are
committing themselves to the FLA Code of Conduct, built on the ILO core labour standards.
The FLA code of conduct contains regulations of working conditions, working hours, abuse,
child labour, forced labour, collective bargaining, health, safety, environment and payment.