Page 140 - Promo Katalog #3
P. 140

                                                                                                                         3 credit card slots
                                                                                                                         1 compartment for bills and receipts
                                                                                                                         1 slot for tickets
 The EXENTRI Wallet gives you quick access to
                                                                                                                         Quality cow hide leather with nylon inside the pockets
 your most frequently used cards. Designed
 for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills,
                                                                                                                         3 credit card slots (2 with slide window)
 receipts  and  tickets.  Our  RFID  block  nylon
                                                                                                                         RFID block
 ensures  that  your  private  information  and
                                                                                                                         Stainless steel lock
 credit cards are safe.
                                                                                               3 credit card slots
                                                                                                                      SIZE AND WEIGHT
                                                                                                                                              ADDITIONAL DETAILS
                                                                                                                      Approx. 90x70x10 mm
                                                                                               1 compartment for bills and receipts
                                                                                                                      Weight: Approx. 60 gr
                                                                                                                                            Registered product design
                                                                                               1 slot for tickets
 The EXENTRI Wallet gives you quick access to
                                                                                               Quality cow hide leather with nylon inside the pockets
 your most frequently used cards. Designed
 for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills,                                            W ALLET                   W ALLET             Delivered in an elegant gift box         EXENTRI WALLET            EXENTRI WALLET
 receipts  and  tickets.  Our  RFID  block  nylon                W ALLET                       3 credit card slots (2 with slide window)                EXENTRI WALLET
 ensures  that  your  private  information  and                                                RFID block
                                                                                               EXENTRI WALLET
 credit cards are safe.  140                                                                   Stainless steel lock
 W ALLET                                                             3 credit card slots    SIZE AND WEIGHT         ADDITIONAL DETAILS
                                                                     1 compartment for bills and receipts   Approx. 90x70x10 mm   Delivered in an elegant gift box
                                                                                            Weight: Approx. 60 gr   Registered product design
                                                                     1 slot for tickets
 The EXENTRI Wallet gives you quick access to
                                                                     Quality cow hide leather with nylon inside the pockets
 your most frequently used cards. Designed
 for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills,                                                      EXTERIOR
 receipts  and  tickets.  Our  RFID  block  nylon   W ALLET          3 credit card slots (2 with slide window)              EXENTRI WALLET
 ensures  that  your  private  information  and                      RFID block
 credit cards are safe.                                              Stainless steel lock
 W ALLET  4                               3 credit card slots     SIZE AND WEIGHT         ADDITIONAL DETAILS                                                                                                5
                                                                  Approx. 90x70x10 mm   Delivered in an elegant gift box
                                          1 compartment for bills and receipts
                                                                  Weight: Approx. 60 gr   Registered product design
                                          1 slot for tickets
 The EXENTRI Wallet gives you quick access to
                                          Quality cow hide leather with nylon inside the pockets
 your most frequently used cards. Designed
 for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills,                           EXTERIOR  W ALLET                                                    EXENTRI WALLET
 receipts  and  tickets.  Our  RFID  block  nylon   3 credit card slots (2 with slide window)
 ensures  that  your  private  information  and   RFID block                                         INTERIOR
 credit cards are safe.  W ALLET          Stainless steel lock                 3 credit card slots
                                                                               1 compartment for bills and receipts
 4                                     SIZE AND WEIGHT         ADDITIONAL DETAILS  1 slot for tickets                                                                             5
 The EXENTRI Wallet gives you quick access to   Approx. 90x70x10 mm   Delivered in an elegant gift box  Quality cow hide leather with nylon inside the pockets
 your most frequently used cards. Designed   Weight: Approx. 60 gr   Registered product design
 for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills,                                                          EXTERIOR
 receipts  and  tickets.  Our  RFID  block  nylon                              3 credit card slots (2 with slide window)
 ensures  that  your  private  information  and                                RFID block
 credit cards are safe.                                                        Stainless steel lock
                                                                             SIZE AND WEIGHT    ADDITIONAL DETAILS
                                                                             Approx. 90x70x10 mm   Delivered in an elegant gift box
                                                                             Weight: Approx. 60 gr   Registered product design
 4                                                                                                                                                     5
 4                                                                                                                         5
 4                                                                                                                                             5
            EXENTRI WALLET                                     SPECIFIKACIJE / SPECIFICATIONS:
            NOVČANIK / WALLET                                  UNUTARNJI DIO / INTERIOR:
            Klasičan, funkcionalan i elegantan novčanik od visokokvalitetne   •  Unutarnji detalji: 3 mjesta za kreditne kartice, 1 odjeljak za račune
            kože i nehrđajućeg čelika. EXENTRI novčanik vam omogućuje brz   i potvrde i 1 mjesto za ulaznice / Inside details: 3 places for credit
            pristup karticama koje najčešće koristite tako da ih pomičete   cards, 1 compartment for bills and receipts and 1 place for tickets
            palcem. Novčanik ima šest zasebnih džepova s  karticama u koje   •  Materijal: Kvalitetna kravlja koža i najlonom u unutarnjem dijelu

            se može smjestiti nekoliko kartica u svakom unutarnjem džepu.   Material: High quality cowhide and nylon in the inner part
            Također imate dovoljno mjesta za račune, potvrde i ulaznice.   VANJSKI DIO / EXTERIOR:
                                                               •  Vanjski detalji: 3 mjesta za kreditne kartice (2 sa kliznim prozorom
            Sadrži najlon za blokiranje RFID-a kako biste osigurali da su   za trenutni pristup kartici), RFID blok i brava od nehrđajućeg čelika
            vaše osobne informacije i kreditne kartice sigurne. Isporučeno   External details: 3 places for credit cards (2 with a sliding window
            u elegantnoj kutiji / A classic, functional and elegant wallet from   for instant access card), RFID block and lock stainless steel
            high-quality leather and stainless steel. EXENTRI wallet allows   •  Materijal: Kvalitetna kravlja koža sa RFID blok najlonom
            quick access to the cards you use most often so that you move   Material: High-quality cowhide with RFID block nylon
            your thumb. Wallet has six separate pockets with cards that can   VELIČINA & TEŽINA / SIZE & WEIGHT:
            be placed several card in each inside pocket. You have plenty of   •  Veličina / Size: 90x70x10 mm
            room for bills, receipts and tickets. Includes nylon locking RFID   •  Težina / Weight: 60 g
            to ensure that your personal information and credit cards are   DODATNI DETALJI / ADDITIONAL DETAILS:
            safe. Delivered in an elegant box.                 •  Isporučuje se u elegantnoj poklon kutiji / Comes in an elegant
                                                                 gift box
                                                               •  Zaštićeni dizajn / protected design
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