Page 104 - Promo Katalog #3
P. 104


          ROKOVNIK DIARY A4 (993.036)

          DRESDEN (993.036)

          SPECIFIKACIJE:                                      SPECIFICATIONS:
          KNJIŽNI BLOK: format: 19,5x26 cm; opseg: 224 str.; tisak: u 2   BOOK BLOCK:  Format: 19,5x26 cm; Range: 224 p.; Print: in 2
          boje na bijelom 80 g/m² papiru; sadržaj: osobni podaci, kalendar   colors on white 80 g/m² paper; Content: personal data, calen-
          za 4 godine, vrem. zone, mjer. jedinice, međusobne udaljenosti   dar for 4 years, time zones, units of measurement, distances be-
          europ. gradova, trajanje letova između svjet. gradova, popis mje-  tween European cities, duration of flights between world cities,
          sta i poštanskih brojeva u RH, međ. pozivni brojevi, skraćenice i   list of places & postcodes in Croatia, international dialing codes,
          oznake u međunarodnoj trgovini i prometu, svjetske valute. Osta-  abbreviations & codes in international trade & traffic, world cur-
          tak rokovnika su bilješke • KORICE: korica je izrađena od termo   rency. The rest of the diary are notes • COVER: cover is made of
          osjetljive eko kože - materijala koji je preporučljiv za termotisak,   thermo sensitive PU material that is suitable for hot&foil stamp-
          foliotisak, sitotisak i digitalni tisak • PAKIRANJE: 20 kom.  ing, screen printing & digital printing • PACKAGING: 20 pcs.
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